Thursday, 30 April 2009

we get the vote!!!

I am proudly presenting you an official new born Nottingham Trent University Malaysian Society. We have finally completed the final step and polled full votes from the student council and now we are the recognised society from the student union and from the university. Well done to people, particularly the committee board who have supported throughout the process of affiliations!!!
congrats guys!! 

The officers for NTUMS

president: Yee en
vice president: Debbie gan
secretary : Erni rineelawati
treasurer: Tyien hu
events manager 1: Afique rahman
events manager 2: Hayat esham
social and publicity director: Erni dekritawati yuliana
welfare director: Erni erinawati sofea

i'm the photographer±±±!!

i don't know wether its new or not!!
but i love to take pictures.. especially when it comes to spontaneous..
 a.r.t. thingy!! hik.hik..hik..
actually i've a bunch of work that have to be done..
for u guys!! i just uploaded it to give u guys a new story of me...
hehehehe:p it seems that i'm not update my blog such a long time!!
hope u guys have fun with it... cheers!!

model: rinee 
photographer: me!!