Monday, 9 November 2009

i'm sick!!

am really hate this feeling...having bad headache, flu, cough, vomit, cold.. complete!!!
reason for my butt laying down to the comfortable+warm duvet..
go away!! virus+ symptom..
you're not welcome into my life!!!! HELL ya!!

It's Autumn!!!

i loooooooovvvveeeee autumn!!! i love..i love..i love.... autumn!!!! just finished photo shoot with the girls..oppps!! i forgotten about jonathan... sorryyyy..for sure u are a guy!! heheheh:p really have fun!! maybe this is my last autumn in nottingham..i will miss all those days!! really missed it.. so everything that i can captured.. will be saved as memories...*sigh*

Thursday, 5 November 2009

bon fire and MJ " THIS IS IT"

today my schedule is full with an appointment with my best friends in nottingham.. firstly, we go to the cinema and watched michael jackson movies "this is it".. really wanna sing in the cinema.. but everyone so miserable because of MJ..i hope MJ will rest in peace.. if MJ still alive, his concert in LONDON.. will be phenomenal!! can u imagine.. every single song has their own backdrop.. his is the LEGEND and King of POP!! salute MJ!!

after we the movie... really rushed to the forest field.. and watched the "bon fire" ...its quit nice to have this events in nottingham.. at least there's something rather than nothing...hehehe:p

see how nice the firecrackers... really love it... at least i can forget all those bad things that happen to me.. for a while... *wink**wink* about an hour.. everyone starving.. especially me... so we planned to eat-in one of the halal food restaurant nearby.. ~curry king~

for the first time in my life.. i'm walking from curry king to my house.. it's quit far away..but i'm so lucky to have my sisters rina and rinee for accompanied.. seriously exhausted :p

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

love quote..

"Love is always patient and kind.
It is never jealous.
Love is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish.
It does not take offense and is not resentful."

Laura Jansen

i'm really love her's suit me well... she is Dutch singer songwriter and based in Los Angeles. i fall in love with her voice..when she sang "single ladies" and "use somebody"~so i make-up my mind to follow all about new artist list for the year...hihihih:p (wanna buy her album A.S.A.P!!)

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

it's my birthday!!!

1) my lovely sisters...

2) my birthday cupcakes!!!

3) BBQ time!!!

4) pretend to be kids!!! wakkaka:p

i've received a lot of message from my friends!! thanks guys for the wishes.. I'm really appreciate it.. seriously... even though we far away..i hope that our friendship will lasts till the end of life.. amin.."one year older, more wiser , more sexier" wakkakaka:p

okay. . okay.. back to the story... they make a surprise birthday party for me!! the specific date is...
on 11th july 2009..i can't smell any of their planning... luckily on that day itself..i've take my shower earlier and wearing nice clothes.. if not maybe in this pictures I'm wearing my "baju kelawar"!!! anyway thanks to rina, rinee , yaya, hayat, andrie, afique and nadzreen!! thanks for the surprises!! and thanks to kak wati, abg eddy and their children..kak riza and anna..that come on that day!!

p/s : this is not my plan.. I'm just a follower..huhuu:p

Saturday, 11 July 2009

New Hairstyle<3!!

a) My hair before....

b) After the cut!!!!

For the first time in my life!!!! i cut my hair toooooo short!! uuuuwaaaahhh:p am missed my long hair already... actually its happen two weeks ago.. but then i 've uploaded it in facebook first.. about the comments:----> it depends!! some says i'm look younger..some say its not suit me!! what is past ...let it be... coz i've cut regret!! just wait for my hair grown slowly...*sigh*

Thursday, 14 May 2009


lDengan ini saya berbangga untuk mengisytiharkan "saya anak MALAYSIA".. rindunyer dengan negara sendiri...dulu xderlah semangat mcm nie..sejak duduk di perantauan..rasa mcm menyesal x menghargai malaysia lagi2 bab makanan...


Bersyukur..saper ader di malaysia tue boleh makan aper yg kiter nak...kat sini..nk  kena wat sendiri..klu x xdptlah nk merasa... uuuwaahh:p  tp bgslah aku sedar tahap awal lagi... aku akan menghargai dan sayang negara ku malaysia!! semangat "keranamu malaysia" akan sentiasa semat di dada.. hingga ke akhir hayat ku!! amiiinnn...


p/s: terlalu semangat pasal malaysia..sampai blog nie saya tulis bahasa melayu...hehehehhe:p 


video dibawah nie..kitaorg buat dirumahku burford road nottingham, selepas BBQ  yg diadakan secara kecil-kecilan..sumer dh x tahu nk wat per... so idea karaoke..then video pun enjoy my beloved friends.. hope u guys like it!! saaaaya anak malaysia!!!



Thursday, 30 April 2009

we get the vote!!!

I am proudly presenting you an official new born Nottingham Trent University Malaysian Society. We have finally completed the final step and polled full votes from the student council and now we are the recognised society from the student union and from the university. Well done to people, particularly the committee board who have supported throughout the process of affiliations!!!
congrats guys!! 

The officers for NTUMS

president: Yee en
vice president: Debbie gan
secretary : Erni rineelawati
treasurer: Tyien hu
events manager 1: Afique rahman
events manager 2: Hayat esham
social and publicity director: Erni dekritawati yuliana
welfare director: Erni erinawati sofea

i'm the photographer±±±!!

i don't know wether its new or not!!
but i love to take pictures.. especially when it comes to spontaneous..
 a.r.t. thingy!! hik.hik..hik..
actually i've a bunch of work that have to be done..
for u guys!! i just uploaded it to give u guys a new story of me...
hehehehe:p it seems that i'm not update my blog such a long time!!
hope u guys have fun with it... cheers!!

model: rinee 
photographer: me!!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Feast at Burford road

The idea came from our beloved neighbourhood kak wati. Even though our house not so big but the planning was very successful!!  of course on that day I'm not in the homesick mode!! ahahaha:p ... just for the day ...  we invite malaysians and have malaysians food.. such an ease.. seriously!!!!

my assistant -  rinee (lil sister)

we've cooked: 1) nasi minyak

 2) ayam masak merah & daging masak kurma 
 4) dalca- I'm stirring it

 5) desert- triffle
 6) karipap (thanks to abg nazri)
 7) chocolate pudding

*people that turn-up for the day!!

guitar hero time!!

*me and baby iqram(son of abg mazrul)

p/s: to our guest, sorry if we didn't give a good attention to you guys... sorry for everything and hopefully you all enjoyed it!! before i end of this story... the feast actually early of march.. but i'm to busy with my reports so..i just update it today...

Sunday, 15 February 2009

starbuckzation group..well done girls!!

-picture above (From left : cherry, me, annie, jane and serry)

location: boots library, nottingham trent university

i've done the presentation....i can do it!!! huuh:p our group answering the question with 100% confident!!!! from the panel and the main thing is focus!!......eventhough the question it's like "M-16"-the panel keep asking till you can't answer the question... uwaahhh:p at last!! but our group can manage it!!! well done girls!!! it such an honored to work with all of you!! I'm the only one malaysian.. and the others are from china... they such a hardworking group... i upload all the pic of me and the group..ahhhh!!! not forgotten all my classmates that present following the group.

1) 2 hours before the presentation

2) I'm presenting my part "competitive rivalry"

3) my group presentation "starbuckziation"

4) GAP fashion..

5) McDonalds

6) FORD cars

7) Marks and Spencer

8) Experian consultant company

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Scene : in the Library .."ACTION!!!"

I'm taking this picture in the boots library, Nottingham Trent University... This one whole week, I'm at the library preparing for my group presentation slide... look at my face react within the hours.... and almost every day I've done the same thing..!!

this is a part of compulsory things that I've bought everyday....
actually labtop, handphone, wallet are also important!!!

10-12 am: concentrated

12-2pm: still concentrated!!!

2-4pm: feels a little bit of headache..(pandang siling library..) brain imagination world.---ahhhh.. feel like the birds flying follow the path of light!!

4-6pm - back to work!!! this time have to focus!! focus babe!!

6-8pm- can't do the journal reading anymore...!! otakku mereng sudah!!! wakakakak:p

actually the presentation of strategic management is in 13 February 2009!! pray for me guys!! I'm seriously nervous!!! i really need your strength right now!! uuwaahhh:p

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

i've lost my touched!!

finals degree artwork with the designer ,- that's me!! that's me!!-

uuuwwaaahhhh......What a sad story of this!! i lost my touched of art!! i miss my art artwork... my imaginative world or prefer to call second world of mind that i created.... Since, i entered the business world class i miss all those day... that makes me dizzy and always lack of ideas in designing textiles..wakakkaka:p but then, it was the best moment that i've had!!

The day before yesterday, i've done something..previously, is just a simple thing for me... i helped my friend to created a BIRTHDAY card for his sister..then..when i make the card with my own way.. i feel regret!! for not continuing studies in the course that i desired most!! -biler pikir blk...budak kecik pun leh wat camnie!!!- it's just ashamed, if people know that i'm graduated in art school UITM, Shah Alam..but the result at the's like "hampeh" jer....!! you can see the different of my artwork .. present and past... lain kan..kan..kan!!

past....-early 2008-now......??-febuary,2009-sebenarnyer malu nk tunjuk..but..nak wat camner...this is the result when your hand it's not used to the art equipment anymore....huhuhuh:p (mcm buruk jer kan!!)